Monday 29 April 2013

Activity 3b

Activity 3b was indeed a learning experience. It reminds me of the importance of providing the right kind of stimuli for learners. Most of what was uncovered is not new to me but what is new is how they can be used in the classroom in ways which are fun filling, productive and appropriate. The activity has really provided an impetus which I can now nurture, expand and share. Nothing is miraculous but I think with time and the broad idea would cement itself: ICT could and should be used as a tool for learning.
The lesson plan template simplifies the lesson construction without compromising any major parts except for lesson objective/s which eventually came out. The lesson was an exciting lesson. The objectives were achieved but the students ICT skills as they relate to typing speed prolonged the lesson. Some of the students were also slow at dragging and dropping.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Module 2: ICT and the roles of the educator 
Activity 1

What I think about ICT in supporting the roles of the educator:

Having read Emilia Potenza article on The Seven Roles of the Teacher have given me new insights as to how the technology could be utilized. I found the information to be interesting and categorical, categorical in that although I was aware of most of the practices I have never seen them placed into distinct categories.  Now it is easy for me to know exactly what function I am fulfilling when using ICT whether it would be one of Mediator, Designer, Administrator, Scholar, Pastoral, Assessor or Specialist.

As for the online collaborative activity, this was a very interesting and effective way of brain storming a large group while allow each person the opportunity to multitask. The ideas generated were relevant.