Sunday 9 June 2013

Group Activity - The Smart Worker

Group Activity 10
What I have noticed from this activity is more a transformation from what we have been doing or trying to do over the years with the absence of ICT. In my view, ICT has opened new doors of doing so much without the hassle of congregating in one workspace in practical terms. Social media has given us a world where we are able to learn, meet, discuss and collaborate anytime from anywhere. Social networking, initial has made us believe it just a place to ‘hangout’ when we have nothing of significance to do. Not so anymore the tools are available that allow us to continue to advance out cause with the luxury of more convenience. Multitasking is a major concept when looking at smart workers. From home or working we can be working on several projects and still taking part in a discussion that is of value in our virtual workplace. 

Group Activity 7 - Lesson using spreadsheet

Group Activity 7
Using computers to teach students would always be an area of interest and much discussion. There are many reasons for this. During this activity two situations were presented; a large group situation using a computer room and a class situation using one computer. Both situations are challenging and the benefit can be significantly different. In the one computer-per-class situation the student who is being taught received individual attention and stood to understand what is taught better than a large group situation.  I am yet to decide which I would rather as I think different learning needs would dictate how I would go about you ICT to teach my students.

Self-activity 4 - Introduction to Spreadsheets

Self-activity 4
This was not an entire new learning experience for me; however, some of the formulae used were new to me. An electronic grade book for my students is indeed a great way of keeping track of my students and being able to make it accessible regardless of where I might find myself. It enable me to see the progress of my students over a prolong period of time on different assignments, tests and task thus giving me the information to make informed decisions relating to my students. The exercise was well worth it as some of the procedures I learned in creating a grade book I had come to realized I have forgotten them.