Wednesday 16 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 2: What we asses

This activity was an interesting one indeed, far from difficult but intriguing it was. The information presented in the readings was able to show me how detailed and precise assessment could be. I guess most, if not all, of the courses I have done prior this one have not shown the many things which could be assessed. For instance, with students writing, one could assess the following other than doing a general assessment: beginnings and endings; organization; clarity; structure and language and usage and mechanics. All as product assessment.

A similar breakdown was also shown for process assessment. Another view to it is knowing that we could assess what is written; spoken/heard and seen (visual). These dimensions enabled me to see a lot more of what could be assessed.

Drawing from my colleagues contributions has given me even more insight as to what I was assessing and what could be assessed, but for many reasons I was not assessing. This I hope to change

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