Sunday 4 May 2014

Activity 3a: Important considerations when reviewing educational software

·         Learning outcomes
·         Learning skills
·         Language level
·         Activities
·         Feedback to learners
·         Assessment
·         Presentation of content and teaching and learning approaches
·         Multimedia use and visuals
·         Navigability

·         Appropriateness of technology 

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Module 5: Finding, Evaluating and Developing Digital Subject Resources

Activity 2

Educational software could be very helpful and useful to both teachers and students. However, teachers must first make a quick if not a detailed assessment of the application or site to ascertain is suitability for its intended purpose and audience. Failing to do this could create unforeseen problems which could discourage students and create negative attitude and behaviour towards educational software. When teachers are able to evaluate the readiness of the application or site the outcome could be a tremendous experience for both learners and teachers

Saturday 26 April 2014

Module 5: Finding, Evaluating and Developing Digital Subject Resources

Activity 1

This activity was indeed an interesting one for many reasons. Some of these include the realization of building an online resource centre which could be accessed from any Internet connected device. This resource centre could be shared with other persons of similar interest. Its safe from the unforeseen computer crashes which accounts for data lost be it temporary of permanently. For me accessibility and and sharing are the most vital benefits of social bookmarking. Below is a link to my social bookmarking website which I have just created.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 4: How we assess - assessment methods

The two activities in Activity 4A and 4B have taken me from consumer of assessment tools to producer of assessment tools. Yes I love and have used rubrics and checklist before but these two activities have walk me through the process of constructing assessment tools which can be specific to a number of factors. These factors can range from type of assessment, (peer, self or group), learning outcomes and or objectives, grade level, process or product and what is being assessed. These factors help to determine the type of assessment tool to be constructed and used. 

Module 4 Activity 3: Diversity

As I continue to learn about assessment I am now more knowledgeable of how diverse and complex assessment could be. From Bloom’s Taxonomy to Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory I am seeing the inter-connectivity of theories and as they relate to assessment. They are also showing that assessment is not a standalone concept or practice. It is linked to teaching and learning and it is almost impossible to accomplish without the occurrence of teaching or learning .  Hence while there might not be a set pattern in all cases that dictates which comes first, in the classroom situation the three cannot be separated. 

For me, a critical part of assessment can be seen as ‘assessing how students learn’. It should be done in all schools if not all classes, since many teachers struggle or fail to first understand how their students’ best learn.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 2: What we asses

This activity was an interesting one indeed, far from difficult but intriguing it was. The information presented in the readings was able to show me how detailed and precise assessment could be. I guess most, if not all, of the courses I have done prior this one have not shown the many things which could be assessed. For instance, with students writing, one could assess the following other than doing a general assessment: beginnings and endings; organization; clarity; structure and language and usage and mechanics. All as product assessment.

A similar breakdown was also shown for process assessment. Another view to it is knowing that we could assess what is written; spoken/heard and seen (visual). These dimensions enabled me to see a lot more of what could be assessed.

Drawing from my colleagues contributions has given me even more insight as to what I was assessing and what could be assessed, but for many reasons I was not assessing. This I hope to change

Sunday 9 June 2013

Group Activity - The Smart Worker

Group Activity 10
What I have noticed from this activity is more a transformation from what we have been doing or trying to do over the years with the absence of ICT. In my view, ICT has opened new doors of doing so much without the hassle of congregating in one workspace in practical terms. Social media has given us a world where we are able to learn, meet, discuss and collaborate anytime from anywhere. Social networking, initial has made us believe it just a place to ‘hangout’ when we have nothing of significance to do. Not so anymore the tools are available that allow us to continue to advance out cause with the luxury of more convenience. Multitasking is a major concept when looking at smart workers. From home or working we can be working on several projects and still taking part in a discussion that is of value in our virtual workplace.