Thursday 7 March 2013

Audit of my school’s ICT use

My school is the home for just over three hundred students ranging from grade K – 6, and fourteen teachers and a principal. As stated in one of the my previous posts my school is equipped with a computer laboratory, Internet access which includes Wi-Fi, a smart board (situated in the computer laboratory), a considerable number of working netbooks running Edubuntu, one laser printer, one scanner, one digital camera, two HP laptops and a digital multimedia projector.
Based on the SVG ICT Strategy and Action Plan all the rationales mentioned in the reading are embedded in it, however, it is debatable whether or not what is happening at my school reflects any of the rationales. This might not just be an issue of the school policy and practice as not all of the rationales are applicable to my school since it is a primary or elementary school.
As far as use of ICT in schools are concern, of the six specific educational uses listed in the document ‘Uses of ICT in schools’, evidence of three are present at my school. These include one: using the Internet to gather information for research and projects, and for educator resources and learning support materials. This is not done on a large scale as only 28.5% of teachers could be considered as trying. The initial part of this use is not applicable to the students as they are not given opportunities to do so. Many teachers are aware of the dangers of students venturing onto forbidden or inappropriate sites, hence this is part of the problem. Two; using basic ICT applications to enhance teaching and learning, developing computer literacy skills in the process:- this is also not done on a large scale although it was attempted by most teachers, however, the effort lacks continuity. Three; ICT-related learning areas, such as Information Technology or similar subjects:- this was also attempted but suffered the same faith in most classes as the second use listed here.  The approach lacked authenticity since at that time the students did not have their own netbooks and most of them at the time were not exposed to computers at home.  

ICT provides a vital role in the administrative part of the school as many correspondents from the Ministry of Education are received and sent via email and hard copies of letters and other documents which might constitute the administrative business of the school are processed and printed.

The smart-board is not being utilized as it is installed at a rather difficult height for both students and teachers to reach and manipulate whatever might be on it. However, plans are in placed to construct a platform which will hopefully solve this problem as the board is located in the computer laboratory.

ICT at my school therefore, serves two purposes: one is administrative and two, educational. It is my view that there are many areas which need to be improved in order for teachers and students to get the best from the use of ICT in the teaching learning situation.

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