Friday 1 March 2013

Hello Activity

My name is Fitzroy Stapelton a teacher and a student currently taking the CCTI course. I am from St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) and I work and reside in the small rural town of Chateaubelair. Chateaubelair is located on the north western side of mainland St Vincent nested at the foot of La Soufriere volcano.
I teach Grade 4 at the Chateaubelair Methodist School. I am responsible for teaching all subjects which are done in my class daily. These include Language Arts, Maths, Social Studies and Science. My students are mainly from a working class socio economic background. This may be attributed to the fact that agriculture and fishing are the two major economic activities by which the people make their likelihood. Hence, these two activities have significantly shaped their interests along with sporting activities such as cricket, soccer, and a bit of track and field. However, the advent of the one-netbook-per-child initiative by the government of SVG and the establishment of wireless access in most, if not all schools including ours, have developed within my students a love for computers, the Internet and computer games.
As for me, I like working with computers and related technologies, and consider my favourite area of teaching to be Language Arts.  It is my wish that this course will enable me to effectively integrate ICT in my teaching thus making learning more fun, interesting and meaningful for my students. I will also like to be able to transfer to my students, the necessary skills and knowledge relating to ICT in order to empower their own learning in a more independent manner. About one third of my students have netbooks which are functional and my school also boasts a computer lab, which is not fully functional, and a multimedia projector. There is also a recently installed smart-board. I hope to gain valuable knowledge and skills in this course which will help me to utilize these technologies for to improve my teaching, my colleagues and students' learning.

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